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Happy and Healthy, A Letter From Dr. Hawk

April 14, 2020

Here at Commonwealth Vet, we consider ourselves very fortunate to be an essential service and...

Danger: The Skincare Ointment That is Toxic to Our Pets

5-Fluorouracil Topical Cream (5FU or Fluorouracil 5%) is a topical drug formulation used to treat human skin cancers that is often fatal...

Hannah's Hospice: The Final Chapter

Those of you who have been following Hannah's story know that in the last month or so, we'd really started to see her quality of life...

Hannah's Hospice: Decisions Are Getting Real

It was only a week ago that we last spoke here, but in even that short amount of time, we've seen Hannah's cough worsen to a point where...

Hannah's Hospice: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Caring for an aging pet with multiple health issues comes with a number of challenges, one of which is that even when we make...

Hannah's Hospice: Biospy Results and Next Steps

Great news! Hannah's biopsy results came back and they point strongly toward irritable bowel disease and not stomach cancer! This was a huge...

Hannah's Hospice: A Clearer Path

As you all know, I've been very worried about Hannah recently as she has not been her usual self. In order to get a better handle on...

Hannah's Hospice: A Reality Check and Our CBD Trial

It's been awhile since I checked in here, and that's because for the last month or so, Hannah was doing so well that we were actually in denial...

Hannah's Hospice: Unavoidable Uncertainty

Although Hannah continues to be her usual happy self, yesterday evening was a sobering time in this journey for my wife and I. I had just come...

CVH Quick Tip: The Do's and Don'ts of Pet Oral Healthcare

We focus a lot on pet dental health during the month of February, but good oral healthcare doesn’t just happen at the vet, and it...

